I went to my XML college class last week. We were talking about using namespaces in XML Schema. The instructor showed me a compoud XML schema document. It referenced multiple namespaces, importing different xsd files. Fair enough. Then he showed me the corresponding instance file. Now this thing was referencing the multiple xsd files as well. WTF?
So I asked why both the instance and main xsd file needed to reference the other xsd files. That did not seem to make much sense. It seemed like overkill. My instructor told me that a lot of things in XML Schema don't make sense. In fact, he told me that it might make more sense if I drank some whiskey. LOL.
Okay. My instructor is good in that he usually backs up class presentations with some homework. I was struggling to get this to work. It needed to display in a browser with some CSS. That part worked fine. Then I needed this to validate in XML Spy. Oh oh. I tried to follow the handouts. But things were just not working.
When I get into trouble like this, I use Google to find web sites to help me dig myself out. I found a great resource from Liquid Technologies. They show how to make a compound schema document. That document references the other XSDs. The instance document only needs to reference the main xsd file. Now that made a whole lot more sense. There was also Definitive XML Schema, although those examples were including other xsd files.
P.S. The funny thing is that I actually own a paper copy of Definitive XML Schema. The book set me back 60 bucks. It is some dry reading. However being able to Google a specific topic from the book seems strong.
Digging Deeper into DEPTREE_TEMPTAB
I had previously written about running a script to set up the
DEPTREE_TEMPTAB table in my schema. I knew it was used to track
dependencies. But I knew li...