This afternoon in my XML training class we learned about the Document Object Model (DOM). It is an API used to pragmatically work with XML data parsed into a tree structure. You should use it if you need to more than just read and write XML. Otherwise you should use the simpler XQuery language. DOM is object oriented. It is also an open standard.
Here is a list of crucial DOM API functions: createElement, appendChild, createTextNode, and setAttribute. Some other lesser user DOM functions are createComment, createElementNS, createCDATASection, createProcessingInstruction. You will need to also make calls to a loadXMLDocument function prior to using any of the DOM functions. The loadXMLDocument function is not a part of the DOM API. Instead it is provided by the implementation of the parser you choose.
We used Firebug to debug our DOM code. Firebug is a Firefox extension written by one of the original authors of Firefox. Note that it is a little ambiguous seeing a text node and the text data itself in Firebug. However if you mouse over a text node, it will show an underline signifying that it is a node.
My XML training class is skipping over the Simple API for XML (SAX). It is an API used to deal with parsers that are event driven as opposed to tree driven. I am not sure if we skipped this topic because it is not used as much, or if it is more complicated, or that there was not just enough time to cover it. Any of you readers use SAX? Let me know.
Free Laundry
Apparently a lot of apartment buildings have coin operated laundry machines
in the basement. And guess what? You can order a key to unlock the payment